
When A Photographer Asks What Camera Should I Get?

When A Photographer Asks What Camera Should I Get

When A Photographer Asks What Camera Should I Get



That Question Is A Big Red Flag.

While the question seems harmless, I think that it’s a big red flag. And answering it directly isn’t helpful.

With that said, I think the question indicates that that the photographer probably needs to learn something about themselves as a photographer and about photography.

What I mean is,  If a photographer understood photography, and understands what they do as a photographer, they could easily answer the question.  

And, instead of answering the question,  this question could be used as an opportunity for the photographer to learn. 

For better or worse, I can’t help but see this as a learning opportunity for the photographer. Because, after all, I’m not only a photographer, I’m also a photography teacher. 

Furthermore, I don’t think the question should be answered by anyone except the photographer asking the question. 

It’s for this reason when this question is asked to me, I provide information that the photographer could use to make their own decision. 

When A Photographer Asks What Camera Should I Get

While it may seem tempting to let them know what camera we think they should get,  unless we ask questions about what they do as a photographer and what they know about photography, the answer is useless.

Instead, get them to think for themselves.

Specifically, get them thinking about what they do as photographers and what they know about photography. 

Because when we know ourselves, we know EXACTLY what we need.


When A Photographer Asks What Camera Should I Get

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2 thoughts on “When A Photographer Asks What Camera Should I Get?”

  1. Good response Sam. Thanks. I guess I’ll have to get to know myself better as a photographer and figure it out myself. Damn. I was hoping you could do the work for me. “-)

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