
Introduction to Photography

Working your camera in manual exposure mode throughout the class, you’ll begin to understand the relationship between camera operation, light, and composition. As a result, you’ll become thoroughly familiar with essential camera operation and learn to control your photographs’ composition fully.

Sam D’Amico’s Photography classes were voted the Best Art Class in Washington, DC. Sam D’Amico’s Photography classes were voted the Best Art Class in Washington, DC.  


Introduction to Photography


$350.00 – In-Person Group Classes

Upcoming classes are listed below (Four meetings – 2.5 hours for each meeting. Ten hours total. Limited to 5 registrants.)

 In-person or Online Private Lesson

Contact Sam about taking this class as a series of private lessons.

General Information

  • Prerequisites: No.
  • Type of Camera Required: Any camera that allows full manual mode.
  • Instructor: Sam D’Amico.
  • Ways Taught: In-person group classes; In-person or online private lessons.


Are you thinking of getting a class as a gift? Please consider getting a gift certificate instead.
*Contact Sam for more information and discounted pricing for In-person or online private classes.

Introduction To Photography Schedules

Upcoming classes are listed below (Four meetings – 2.5 hours for each meeting. Ten hours total. Limited to 5 registrants.)

1. Select the class schedule. 2. Select the number of people attending (Qty). 3. Click the “Buy Now” button. – (If A class is listed as “Out of Stock,” your selected class schedule is unavailable. Please pick another class schedule.)



In-person group classes meet at the Kogod Courtyard in the National Portrait Gallery.
8th and G Streets NW
Washington, DC 20001
After entering the building, walk past the front desk to the Kogod Courtyard.
*Please read the Visiting Tips & FAQs. No refunds for any classes will be given to registrants who are asked to leave because their behavior does not adhere to safety policies and guidelines.

About the Introduction to Photography Course

While working your camera in fully manual exposure mode throughout the Introduction to Photography course in Washington, DC, you’ll become familiar with essential camera operation. In addition, you’ll learn to use your camera settings and features as elements of effective photographic composition. Also, the class includes in-class lectures/discussions, practical application exercises, homework assignments, and weekly self-critiques.

Stop being frustrated with photography!

  • Use your mind instead of a machine to make your pictures appear how you want.
  • Get control of the outcome of your photographs.
  • Be involved in composition.
  • Improve your understanding of light and lighting.

Make Better Photographs and Become a Better Photographer by Working Your Camera in Manual Exposure Mode

When working in manual exposure mode during the Introduction to Photography course, we’ll use our cameras thoughtfully to control our composition precisely. In other words, we’ll be involved in camera operation to fully influence the outcome of our photograph instead of the camera taking the picture for us.

Introduction to Photography – What You’ll Learn

During the Introduction to Photography course, you’ll learn to use your mind to create a photograph instead of a machine. What is meant by that is that you’ll be involved in creating your picture to the fullest extent possible.

To make the best photos possible, you’ll learn about functions on your camera critical to creating thoughtful compositions that are uniquely yours. Specifically, among other things, you’ll know how to think of focusing, metering, and exposure as design elements. Finally, you’ll learn how to relate those composition elements to your camera’s operation.

Some of the things you learn:

  • How to evaluate the characteristics of light.
  • How to create the best photographs after assessing the light.
  • You’ll start metering attentively in manual exposure mode.
  • Use the visual attributes of aperture, shutter speed, and ISO thoughtfully as elements of composition.
  • Start manually controlling picture tonality (the lightness/darkness of your photograph) efficiently, effectively, and thoughtfully.
  • Using white balance settings as an element of the composition.
  • Thoughtful and practical visual design.

Introduction to Photography Course – How You’ll Learn

How You’ll Learn During the Course

Sam gives a balanced mix of lectures and practice exercises during the Introduction to Photography course. In other words, you’ll learn by doing what we discuss during class. Specifically, practicing camera operation and technique during class is a regular part of the training. As a result of practicing camera operation and technique during class, the participant can immediately apply their newly acquired skills and begin making thoughtful compositions.

While practicing camera operation and technique is essential, you’ll learn to think like a photographer throughout the class. Furthermore, through discussions and critiques, you’ll discover a thought process and vocabulary to become aware of what we’re doing as photographers.

How You’ll Learn Outside of Class

You’ll get homework to reinforce the lessons provided during the Introduction To Photography Course In DC. However, the assignments are not subject-specific. Consequently, the class participants learn effectively by producing pictures relevant to their preferred work. Moreover, since each photographer brings different kinds of work to display during the classes (4″X6″ prints when meeting in person are best.), conversations organically spring up about the pictures. These conversations are meaningful because they help us cultivate a thought process and vocabulary essential during our studies and practice.

Jamal H. says: Received Sam’s Introduction to Photography class as a gift in November 2017 after showing an interest in photography due to travel outside the states and it was truly a great experience. Sam was patient and willing to always revisit and re-explain topics to me when I struggled with tasks. I never felt intimidated as Sam’s easy-going personality gives the class a comforting feeling. After only 4 classes, I now can shoot in Manual mode with confidence in capturing my shot as the human eye views it. Highly recommend this class to any beginners with a DSLR camera.

Donna I says: I’ve been wanting to learn how to use a camera in manual mode for years. I tried learning from books, online articles, and tutorials, but I always ended up more confused than when I started. I finally realized it was all right to admit I needed someone to teach me. I’m so glad I found Sam and took his course, Introduction to Photography. Sam is a great teacher and extremely patient and supportive. Each class was full of useful information about the how’s and why’s of making pictures. His discussion of the topics coupled with hands-on practice made it all make sense. As I’m continuing to experiment, the notes I took in class give me what I need to work with my camera effectively. The classes were always on topic and Sam encouraged us to ask whatever questions we had. I highly recommend this course for anyone who wants to turn off the auto setting on their camera.

Bernard says:I really enjoyed Sam’s class. I was looking for a class to learn photography and how to use my camera. Sam isn’t going to teach you how to operate your camera – mainly because everyone comes to class with a different camera and that’s what the instruction manual is for. Rather, he’s going to teach you the fundamentals of photography, and in turn, you’ll learn to use your camera thorough knowledge of the fundamentals, practice, and read the manual. I really liked Sam’s teaching style and personality. He makes you think, and he’s not here to judge your photography skills. He leaves that up to you as the photographer. I recommend his class and plan to take the intermediate class and focus class.

Class Meeting Locations

In-person group classes meet at the Kogod Courtyard in the National Portrait Gallery.
Please read the Visiting Tips & FAQs.
No refunds for any classes will be given to registrants who are asked to leave because their behavior does not adhere to safety policies and guidelines.

  • National Portrait Gallery
    8th and G Streets NW
    Washington, DC 20001
    After entering the building, walk past the front desk to the Kogod Courtyard.


Prerequisites: No.
*Contact Sam for more information and discounted pricing for In-person or online private classes.
Are you thinking of getting a class as a gift?
Please consider getting a gift certificate instead.

Introduction To Photography Schedules

Upcoming classes are listed below (Four meetings – 2.5 hours for each meeting. Ten hours total. Limited to 5 registrants.)

1. Select the class schedule. 2. Select the number of people attending (Qty). 3. Click the “Buy Now” button. – (If A class is listed as “Out of Stock,” your selected class schedule is unavailable. Please pick another class schedule.)

In-person group classes meet at the Kogod Courtyard in the National Portrait Gallery.
8th and G Streets NW
Washington, DC 20001
After entering the building, walk past the front desk to the Kogod Courtyard.
*Please read the Visiting Tips & FAQs. No refunds for any classes will be given to registrants who are asked to leave because their behavior does not adhere to safety policies and guidelines.

Introduction To Photography Class In Washington DC

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Author Rating
Aggregate Rating
3.5 based on 3 votes
Brand Name
Sam DAmico Photography Classes
Product Name
Introduction To Photography Class In Washington DC
USD 350.00
Product Availability
Available in Stock

45 thoughts on “Introduction to Photography”

  1. I am interested in taking the introduction classes, and like to know what are recommended cameras to purchase for the class also for future advanced classes.

    Thank you.

  2. Hi, I see that I just missed the class that started this past Sunday. In looking at the scheduled I don’t see any other Sunday sessions scheduled through March. Will this change and will you be offering more Sunday classes? Thanks

    1. Hi Tonia,

      Thank you for you interest in my photography classes.

      I’ll probably will be adding at least one more Sunday class during January through March.

      If I can add a Sunday class I’ll update the schedule by the end of next week.


  3. Hi Sam!

    I’m interested in taking the 4 class wednesday series starting Nov 2. Would a canon EOS Rebel T5 would be good. Any recommendation with that over the Nixon D3300.

    Thanks, kelly

    1. Hi Kelly,

      Thank you for your interest in my photography classes.

      A Canon EOS Rebel T5 would be fine for the Introduction to Photography class ( ).

      I would not have a recommendation with that over the Nixon D3300. I can’t recommend one over the other. Which one do you feel more comfortable using?
      ( )

      Please contact me at 202-531-2344 if you have further questions.

  4. Hi Sam!

    I am interested in your class ” Introduction to Photography” starting next February 6. My camera is an Olympus SP-720UZ 14megapixel. I wonder if it would work.
    I would appreciate your comments!
    Many thanks!

    Isabel Mateus

  5. Hello Sam,

    I am very interested in your classes and I have a sony nex-5t. Does that satisfy the prerequisite?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Nick,

      Thank you for your interest in my photography classes.

      Thanks for the link to your camera. I took a look and, although limited in some ways, since it can be worked in manual exposure mode it would be fine for the Introduction to photography class. —->

      By using the camera you have now for the class, you’ll learn camera operation, you’ll get a good foundation in photography and if you decide to get a DSLR (or other type of format) you’ll be more informed as a result of the class to make a good decision on which one to buy.

      Please contact me at 202-531-2344 if you have more questions.

  6. i am wanting to take your classes, the only camera i have is my I phone 6 …
    what camera would you recommend i get ? thanks Tom

  7. Hi Sam,

    I’m interested in enrolling in the March 31 intro class. I just purchased a Sony RX100M3. It’s not on a SLR but it’s a high end point and shoot with manual settings. Would I qualify to take the class.


      1. Thanks, Sam!

        How do I go about registering online? Silly question, I’m sure, but I can’t seem to find the link.


  8. Hi,

    I am interested in signing up for this class and recently purchased a Canon EOS Rebel DSLR T5. But I’m not sure whether or not it can be “operated in full manual exposure mode.” Can anyone answer this for me?



  9. Hi Sam,

    I’m really interested in taking the Introduction to Photography class that starts tomorrow. However, I’m out of town this weekend. Would it be possible to start next Saturday and make up for the missed class on the next class cycle? I’m not sure what would be the content of the 1st class, but I could maybe review material and come prepared for next class.


    1. Hi Cristina,

      Thank you for your interest in my photography classes.

      I would not recommend taking the class if you can not make the first meeting because the first meeting is foundational for the rest of the class.

      If I would have known sooner, I would have said yes, as long as you could have attended the Getting To Know Your Camera class that was offered last evening.

      I hope that you can register for one of the Introduction to Photography classes that start in March.

  10. Hi Sam,

    I’d love to take the Saturday class, starting Feb. 7, but will be away on Feb. 28. Would it be possible to make up that class at the end of one of your March sessions? Thanks!


  11. Hello! I am interested in taking the Saturday morning class, but I will be away on Saturday, the 24th. Would it be possible to join the corresponding Thursday evening class that week?

    Many thanks,

    1. Hello,

      Yes, If you are registered for the the Saturday morning class that starts on the 10th. and you miss the meeting on the 24th. You can attend the corresponding Thursdasy evening class (January 22.)

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