
What are some rules regarding taking pictures?

What are some rules regarding taking pictures


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Some rules regarding taking pictures


First, except when it comes to rules that keep us safe, I ain’t much on rules.

Second, I think that rules, especially when it comes to stuff like photography, are hindrances that get in the way of unique expression.


Some rules regarding taking pictures

Frankly, I’d rather not talk about all the rules I’ve heard about photography.

Additionally, I don’t even wanna think about ’em.

Because thinking about adding some rules to our photography is like thinking about adding sugar to honey. 

In other words, it’s just something that’s not needed.

By the same token, what would I want to add to something that’s perfect as is?

Forget rules. Better yet, don’t try to learn ’em.

In fact, if you’ve picked up a few rules about photography, I’d suggest you drop ’em.

And if you haven’t learned or picked up some rules about photography, I’d suggest you don’t learn ’em. 

Because, as photographers, I think we got better things to think about than some rules regarding taking pictures.

For instance, how about we apply our thoughts to the light that we’re workin’ with and how we’re operating the camera that we’re using?

Change your mind.

Instead of thinking of rules that set boundaries, change your mind.

Specifically, instead of thinking of rules of photography, think of what you do as a photographer in terms of elements of composition. 

Because while rules constrain and homogenize, elements can be combined in variations. And it’s in the variations that we find freedom and uniqueness.

And Remember…

We don’t take pictures.

We make pictures.

Furthermore, whether we make them with rules or with an open mind is up to us.



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