Photography – Doing It Over And Over
This post was inspired by working with photographers during my Introduction To Photography Class
Photography – Doing It Over And Over
A Few Realizations
The other day, while in the middle of a class, I realized that I’ve been teaching photographers of all levels how to be better photographers for a long time (since around 1998). Maybe, longer if I consider that I started teaching a few friends how to work their cameras effectively before that.
After the previous realization, I came to the realization that I’ve been a photographer for even longer. After all, I think that ya gotta be something to teach something.
And after the two previous realizations, then I came to the realization that I felt confident in my abilities as a photographer.
And my ability to teach others about how to become better photographers.
Confidence In Our Abilities
To be clear, I think that there’s a difference between confidence and arrogance.
In addition, I think that arrogance is a symptom of a lack of confidence.
We gain confidence in what we do by doing what we do, over and over again.
And in that doing over and over again, we become good a what we do. And, As a result, we become confident in our abilities in doing whatever we do.
However, here’s the rough part. When we wanna get “good” at something we’re, in a way, saying that we’re not as good as we’d like to be.
In other words, we lack confidence in the thing that we wanna be good at.
Obviously, if we wanna get good at anything, and have confidence in our abilities then…
Photography – Doing It Over And Over
If we wanna get “good”, or “better”, and have confidence in our abilities then there’s only one thing to do.
And that one thing to do is practicing the thing we wanna get better at, over and over.
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