
Search Results for: art

“I Want My Pictures To Look Like The Way Things Really Are”

If you were  in one of my photography classes and, while we were reviewing your work, you were to state that “I want my pictures to look like the way things really are”, I would ask “the way things really are to who?” My question is meant to spur a conversation about seeing and perception. While […]

“I Want My Pictures To Look Like The Way Things Really Are” Read More »

When It Comes To Improving YOUR Photography, MY Opinion Does Not Help

This post was motivated by discussions with participants in my classes who were seeking affirmations or criticisms about their photographs. When someone asks me what I think of their photography, I ask them what do THEY think of their photography. I’m not avoiding the question; I’m attempting to get the photographer to actively engage their

When It Comes To Improving YOUR Photography, MY Opinion Does Not Help Read More »

If Photography Is So Easy, Why Is It So Hard To Make A Good Photograph?

Photography is probably the easiest medium in which anyone can be competent. Anyone can be a marginally capable photographer and produce a decent photograph. The hard part of photography is developing a personal vision that is idiosyncratic. The hard part of photography is separating yourself visually from the rest of the photographers who are making decent photographs. Your photography has to become more

If Photography Is So Easy, Why Is It So Hard To Make A Good Photograph? Read More »