
ISO Is Like A Hearing Aid

 ISO Is Like A Hearing Aid

The material we use to record light can be compared to whatever part of our ear hear sounds.  Similarly,  ISO can be compared to a hearing aid.


Sound And Our Ears

Our ears hear sound. And when it comes to sound, If our ear can’t hear sound perceived as low in volume at an acceptable level we can turn up the volume or we can use something that amplifies the sound so we can hear it (a hearing aid). Since we can’t always turn up the volume, maybe our perception of sound as low means we’ll need a hearing aid in order to hear sound at an acceptable level. The use of a hearing aid amplifies sound so the part of our ear that hears sound can now hear sound at an acceptable level.  

Light And Our Cameras

Our cameras record light. And when it comes to light, If our camera can’t record light perceived as low in volume/intensity at an acceptable level we can turn up the intensity or we can use something that amplifies the intensity so we can record it (ISO).  Since we can’t always turn up the intensity, maybe our perception of light as low means we’ll need to use ISO  in order to record light at an acceptable level. The use of ISO amplifies light  so the part of our camera that records light can now record light at an acceptable level.  

Light Sensitive Material And Our Ears

Light sensitive material records light and our ear hears sounds. To clarify, light sensitive material can be film,a digital sensor or anything else that records light to make a photograph. Our ear have lower and upper boundaries of hearing sound and light sensitive material has lower and upper boundaries of recording  light intensity.

ISO Is Like A Hearing Aid  

While a hearing aid amplifies sound waves, ISO  amplifies light waves.  The result in terms of our photograph is that the recording of light looks brighter.


Study And Practice Photography With Sam

ISO Is Like A Hearing Aid

Study And Practice Photography With Sam.

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