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Some Important Information About Your Payment To Sam DAmico

This Notice Contains Important Information About Your Photography Class with Sam D’Amico This notice will inform you how to prepare for our upcoming meeting(s). Read the full notice and keep it available for the duration of our class(es). To prevent the blocking of Sam’s email’s to you by any Spam filters, please add to […]

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Some Holiday Lighting Tips For the Photographer

Although VERY limited when it comes to modifying the characteristics of the light emitted, your pop-up flash is the gateway to inexpensively learn about basic flash operation and will prepare you for making a more informed decision/purchase if you decide to upgrade to a more powerful and versatile flash unit.

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Introduction to Photography

Through weekly assignments and critiques you will learn to work your SLR camera, become familiar with the technical aspects of photography and create photographs based on your desired compositional outcomes. Once you begin to make compositional choices with the visual effects in mind, your pictures will begin to move beyond the result of luck and you will begin to compose pictures that more accurately represent your desired outcome.

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