Copyright and Copy-Wrongs – Record Label Insults Photographer After Stealing Her Photos
Here’s a link to the article:
I originally posted this to Facebook and I was gonna write something about it as a blog post, but since I got involved in a conversation about this on Facebook I figured it’d just be easier to copy and paste the conversation.
You can start a conversation about this here by posting to the “Leave a Reply” area below this post.
Here’s the FB discussion as of the time of this post:
FB Friend Bloody hell I would name and shame so other photographers are protected.
Spiteful cunts.
Sam D’Amico Naming and shaming ain’t the answer to protecting the work. While naming and shaming will make other photographers aware that this record label uses work without permission, what protects our work, at least in the U.S., is the timely registration of our work with the copyright office.
If this photographer registered the copyright to their work in a timely manner, they should sue this record label for copyright infringement.
What really pisses me off is how they belittle her and her work. Here’s my take, If the work is good enough to use it’s good enough to be paid for when being used.
FB Friend Sam it might not protect his work now but naming and shaming is a good thing. It tells people not to go to that person.
Why not go in from both ends, both protecting themselves with registration and naming the bastard who fucked him over.
Sam D’Amico FB Friend In the copyright infringement issues I’ve been involved in I’ve been advised by the attorneys I’ve worked with to keep my mouth shut.
I do.
As a regular course of doing business, I register my work in a timely manner and when I find an infringement, I don’t contact the one who infringed I contact the attorney I work with and she takes it from there.
The first person the one who infringed hears from is the attorney I work with.
ALL of this is contingent on me registering my work in a timely manner.
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