Australian freshwater crocodile in water
![Australian freshwater crocodile in water](
Australian freshwater crocodile in water
Like this picture?
Licensing it as rights-managed stock photography is easy!
- Click on the photograph. An image page will open.
- Click on the “ADD TO CART” link button. A new window will open over the image page.
- Use the drop-down menus to select the image use for your rights-managed license.
- Click the add to cart button.
- Make your payment.
- Download the photograph.
Got questions or need some help?
Contact Sam:
Phone: 202-531-2344
Wanna learn about the different licensing models available for stock photography then read:
A Buyers Guide On Licensing Rights Managed Stock Photography
Here’s a preview:
Why I license my pictures as RM stock photography
From my perspective as a professional photographer.
In short, I prefer licensing my work as rights-managed stock photography because I want to know who is using my work and how they’re are using it.
In addition, I license my work directly to clients instead of through third-party aggregators.
And, because licensing is directly through me, many times I get the opportunity to speak with clients and negotiate the price of the license or assist them in ways that I couldn’t by licensing through a third party.
Furthermore, I don’t want my work overused.
In other words, I think that a frequently used picture is less valued.
When considering the clients I work with.
Sometimes, a client is concerned about the licensing history of a picture.
Usually, the concern is over brand identity.
And because I license my work directly to clients as RM stock photography, I can give the client an accurate licensing history of a photograph.
Read more of A Buyers Guide On Licensing Rights Managed Stock Photography