We are ultimately responsible for our photography and the way we go about creating photographs (our practice).
We’re responsible for the way we get involved in the creation of our photographs.
When thinking of exposure and ISO in terms of the element of composition that is tonality:
- If we work our camera in an automatic exposure mode we’re as involved in the creation of our photograph that the automatic exposure mode will allow.
- If we work our camera in manual exposure mode we’re as involved in the creation of our photograph as much as possible.
In terms of tonality, and other elements of composition, how involved we are the creation of our photograph will dictate the possible outcomes of our photograph.
- Working in Automatic exposure mode offers limited outcomes in terms of your composition.
- Working in manual exposure mode offers limitless outcomes in terms of your composition.
Study and practice photography with Sam.–> https://samdamico.com/study-practice-photography-sam/