
Finding Inspiration In The Ordinary

Not feeling inspired by the ordinary?

We tend to overlook the ordinary in search for  something extraordinary.

If you take a moment and look closer at the ordinary you will see something extraordinary.

When you see something extraordinary in the ordinary, photograph it.

Use whatever camera that you have with you RIGHT NOW.  It doesn’t matter if you use the camera on your phone or a camera that allows for more choices in terms of camera operation and composition.

Try this with anything, anytime, anywhere. This practice will raise your visual awareness, increase your photography and camera operation skills and you’ll be able to find inspiration in everything.

Here’s some links to photographs of “ordinary” things where I’ve found inspiration. The top of a traffic cone, a fork in a plate, a lightbulb in a lamp shade.

Of course, the more understanding of craft (photography and camera operation) that we have the better our pictures will be.

Study And Practice Photography With Sam.

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