About The Online Critiques At Sam’s Online Learning Platform For Photographers
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About The Online Critiques
What Is This Critique Thing?
In summary, Sam created a place for photographers to give and get useful critiques. And, through the process of giving and getting critiques, become better photographers.
Undoubtedly, by providing critiques that are meant to offer useful guidance, not baseless opinions, all photographers involved become better photographers by participating in the group.
In addition, the Critique area has rules/guidance. And these rules/guidance create an atmosphere that is supportive and is meant to improve our photography skills and practice.
Specifically, both the photographer asking for the critique and the photographers offering the critique are provided with guidelines.
And the guidelines make the critique process a learning experience to become better photographers.
Furthermore, all photographers are welcome regardless of experience or camera used. And yup, the camera on your phone is OK.
To clarify how the critiques area operates, here’s how it works:
- Photographers display a photograph that they’d like critiqued along with a brief statement about the work.
- Photographers offering the critique follow specific guidelines that will provide a critique meant to be a discussion based on the statement made by the photographer looking for the critique (see #1).
- Video tutorials or other media may be part of the process.
Benefits of participating in the critiques.
- The critiques and discussion are a learning experience through critiques based on discussions rather than a critique based on a non-informative “like” or “dislike”.
- The process provided in the group hones our photography skills and practice through the observation and discussion of our work.
Specifically, by using the critiques and discussions as the platform, we’ll use critiques and discussions as a way to improve our photography.
Furthermore, by participating in critiques and discussions we’ll use the critique process to improve our visual vocabulary.
And, in the process of improving our visual vocabulary, become acquainted with the elements of composition that are present in ALL photographs.
Because by becoming familiar with the elements of composition we’ll apply the elements of composition thoughtfully and intentionally to our work.
And when we thoughtfully and intentionally apply the elements of composition to our work, our photographs become unique compositions
Who Should Participate in Critiques and Critique Discussions
To be clear any photographer, regardless of experience or type of camera, who wants to become a better photographer by becoming acquainted with the elements of photographic composition through the process of critique and discussion.
- A camera on your phone, or another type of camera.
- The ability to upload photographs if requesting a critique.
- An interest in becoming a more observant, thoughtful, and proficient photographer.
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