
Basic Photography and Camera Operation Test

Quizzes are an excellent way to get an idea of what we know and don’t know, and that knowledge of what we know and don’t know perfectly guides our studies and practice.

I always ask anyone who wants to study and practice with me to take this test.

The best way to take this quiz is to answer the questions without using any sources of help.


Remember, you'll have 15 minutes to finish the quiz.

Do not use notes or other references to help you answer; this will ensure the most accurate reflection of your understanding of photography and serve as a guide to where you need help in your studies and practice.

Created by Sam D'Amico

Basic Photography and Camera Operation Test

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First Name

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Last Name

3 / 42



4 / 42


If you'd like Sam to contact you about your test results and talk with him about helping you to be a better photographer, what's your best phone number and time to call you?

1000 characters left

5 / 42


In terms of the raw material a crafts-person works with:
1. A potter works with clay.
2. A chef works with food.
3. A carpenter works with wood.
4. A photographer works with? (pick one)

6 / 42


What is light-sensitive material?

7 / 42


What is exposure?

8 / 42


In terms of your camera equipment and functions, what controls exposure only?

9 / 42


A one-stop increase in exposure from 1/250 second is?

10 / 42


A one-stop decrease in exposure from f-11 is?

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An increase in exposure will?

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What is an aperture?

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Aperture is also known as?

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Which aperture provides the most exposure?

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Which shutter speed provides the most exposure?

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Which shutter speed will more likely blur motion in a photograph?

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ISO describes?

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Which ISO setting will result in the least amount of noise?

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A one stop increase in light sensitivity from ISO 200 is?

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A decrease in the ISO number will?

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Which ISO provides the most exposure?

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How does distance focused control depth of field?

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Which aperture provides the most/deepest depth of field?

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The characteristic of light that describes the brightness of the light is?

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Metering is?

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When acquiring a standard exposure through metering, whatever was influencing the meter will appear as a______ in the photograph. 

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Which metering pattern/metering mode does not use the entire camera viewfinder/frame and offers the smallest area of influence?

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Which focal length describes the widest angle of view?

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What focuses light onto light sensitive material ?

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Assuming a lens/camera without vibration reduction/image stabilization, If using a 28mm focal length lens, which shutter speed will likely cause camera shake/picture blurriness due to hand-holding the camera while making an exposure?

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White balance settings provide a way to control the color of a transmitting light source (daylight, light bulbs, etc.), and the color of the things that the transmitting light source effect appears in a photograph.

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For flash to be effective, not too bright or too dark, the flash to subject distance must be considered as well as ISO and aperture.

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The brightness/intensity of the pop-up flash on your camera can usually be controlled with a setting on your camera

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Which image/file types are not processed, not compressed, and will have the largest pixel dimensions?

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As image/picture resolution increases, so does the possible maximum size image you can produce.

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The higher the megapixel value the lower the resolution.

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In terms of image resolution, megapixels describe the number of pixels on a digital sensor and are calculated by multiplying the number of pixels along the length of the sensor by the number of pixels along the height of the sensor.

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In terms of image resolution, megapixels describe the number of pixels on a digital sensor and is calculated by multiplying the number of pixels along the length of the sensor by the number of pixels along the height of the sensor.

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The lower the image compression, the larger the file size of the photograph in terms of megabytes.

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The higher the image compression the lower the quality of the image.

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Which of these image/file types are proprietary and must be converted to a universally usable image/file type before being printed?

42 / 42


Which of these image/file types are not processed, not compressed, and will have the largest pixel dimensions?

Your score is

The average score is 71%


20 thoughts on “Basic Photography and Camera Operation Test”

  1. Good afternoon Sam! I came across your website and took the test. Well designed the questions and I am interested to know that I got some wrong answers.

    I am wondering if you are still active teaching in DC area. If so please contact me and I am considering either taking your class or getting any other form of help from you.

    Youchun Yao

  2. Hello Christy,
    Thank you for your interest in my photography classes.

    While I feel that I can help you in terms of refreshing your lack of memory on photography and using a digital camera, I may fall short in terms of photo editing software such as Lightroom.

    While I’m inclined to suggest the Introduction to Photography class,,can you please give me a call at 202-531-2344 so we can determine, via discussion, if I can be of assistance to you.

    As you requested, here’s a couple of links related to courses and pricing:

    Best Regards,


  3. Thank you for the quiz. I appreciate knowing what I could study to increase my knowledge. I found that a few items I have the practical understanding, but not the written. Knowing this will allows me to improve the written knowledge so that I may speak with increased accuracy.

  4. Dear Sam,
    Debby Shipler recommended I take your course, and I just signed for one starting in April.
    I would really appreciate your feedback on this, and look forward to learning from you.
    Sarel Kromer

  5. Please change the answer to #1 to the first option – I was about to do that when I timed out of the test.

    We spoke on the phone about the Friday Intermediate daytime class. I am the one who has taken 2 of your short classes – one on exposure, and one on white balance. I am planning on registering for the class. I would appreciate it if you would contact me regarding the results of the test.

    Thanks –

  6. Hi,

    I’ve been shooting for nearly 10-years on and off and love capturing weddings and events, with a dash of portraits. I am most interested in better manipulating studio light and working on my composition. Hopefully composition and enhancing my eye are skills you can help me with.

  7. My last formal photography instruction was many years ago in college, well before digital was commonly available — a solid b&w photo/darkroom class taught by a seasoned pro. I was also trained as a filmmaker, so I understand exposure and composition, and my work isn’t too bad… simply would like it to be better. I scored a little shy of your requisite 80% on the test, mainly on the technical terminology and digital q’s, but I believe I would keep up in your Intermediate class — the Basics class is TOO basic. Can I register for the Intermediate class, or would you Ike me to study some other sources in order to get the “fuzzy” areas a bit clearer?

    1. Jim,

      Please do not register for the Intermediate class.

      Can you please give a call at 202-531-2344?

      I’d like to speak with you so we can determine how to proceed.


      Thank you.

  8. I’d like to do the test Basic Photography because I thinking to do class Intermediate Photography. Many thanks, Michaela.

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